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Excellence in Education


Health is an interesting course where students learn about making wise choices, preventing common diseases, avoiding destructive habits, and nurturing attitudes and practices that encourage good choices and lifelong wellness. All of our class lessons are designed to suit the students’ abilities, spark their interest, and meet the NYS Learning Standards for Health Education. Our objective is to enable students to make appropriate decisions relative to good health, and to make students aware of the benefits of personal well-being to themselves and to the society in which they live.

In Health students will be provided with the tools they need to make wise choices and avoid destructive habits, and with knowledge of disease prevention and the cultivation of healthful habits that encourage good choices and life-long wellness.

Health is a separate course of study for all sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, and it is offered as a ten-week course each year as part of our Art, Technology, and Family & Consumer Sciences wheel.

  • Standard #1 – Personal Health and Fitness
    Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in activity, and maintain personal health.

    Standard #2 - A Safe and Healthy Environment
    Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. 

    Standard #3 - Resource Management
    Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

  • Unit I - Setting Goals

    1. Self-concept and self-respect
    2. Goal setting and making choices
    3. Stress management

    Unit II - Nutrition

    1. Nutrients
    2. Food guide pyramid
    3. Anorexia, bulimia, obesity 

    Unit III - Drugs

    1. Introduction to drugs and medicine
    2. Side effects
    3. Drug safety
    4. Drug abuse
    5. Types of drugs
    6. Refusal skills 

    Unit IV - Tobacco and Alcohol

    1. Effects of tobacco
    2. Smokeless tobacco
    3. Refusal skills
    4. Effects of alcohol
    5. Alcoholism 

    Unit V - Emotions and Puberty

    1. Physical changes
    2. Hygiene
    3. Emotional needs

    Unit VI - Disease

    1. Communicable diseases
    2. Non-communicable diseases
  • Unit I - Personal Health and Wellness

    1. Pursuit of wellness
    2. Physical wellness – bones & muscles

    Unit II - Emotional Understanding and Social Wellness

    1. Understanding your emotional self
    2. Personality
    3. Communication skills
    4. Stress

    Unit III - Substance Abuse and Addictions

    1. Understanding addictions
    2. Smoking
    3. Alcohol
    4. Marijuana
    5. Inhalants
    6. Project Alert 

    Unit IV - Environmental Health

    1. Global environmental issues
    2. Personal environment management

    Unit V - Personal Safety

    1. Violence avoidance & conflict resolution 
    2. Abuse 

    The Suffolk County Police Department's COPE (Community Oriented Police Enforcement) will be providing instruction to all 7th grade health classes through the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance and Education) program.

  • Unit I - Personal Health and Wellness

    1. Pursuit of wellness
    2. Physical wellness

    Unit II - Social Interactions

    1. Relationships
    2. Peer pressure
    3. Understanding differences

    Unit III - Mental Health

    1. A. Characteristics of good mental health
    2. B. Classifications of mental illness
    3. C. Depression
    4. D. Panic attacks and O.C.D.
    5. Stress management
    6. Abuse in the family
    7. Mental health professionals

    Unit IV - Substance Abuse and Addiction

    1. Understanding addictive behavior
    2. Smoking
    3. Alcohol
    4. Drugs
    5. Gambling
    6. Project Alert

    Unit V - Family Living

    1. Family structures
    2. Human sexuality
    3. Communicable diseases and STD’s
    4. HIV and AIDS
  • Tests & Quizzes 50-60%
    Projects 20-30%
    Homework 10-15%
    Classwork/Class Participation/Notebook 10-15%

    *Specific policies vary depending on the grade level.